Mayco Fundamentals Underglaze UG209 Jade 59ml
All Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes are AP Certified Non-Toxic and dinnerware safe when clear glaze is applied.
Firing Range: Cone 06 – Cone 10
Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes are highly versatile use for complete coverage or in design, apply to clay or bisque. With a broad firing range of cone 06 to cone 10. Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes serve equally well for the student making their first pinch pot and the clay artist creating works for a gallery.
Application Instructions:
Shake well. Apply 2-3 coats to wet clay, greenware, or cone 04 bisque for use in design or solid coverage. Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes have a firing range from cone 06 to cone 10. If the form you are painting has texture, dab excess colour out of texture, and never allow the glaze to pool in the texture. To intensify colour or for use on dinnerware, apply clear or matte clear glaze.
For use on clay or greenware, apply underglaze, allow to dry and fire to cone 04. If desired, apply clear glaze and re-fire to cone 06-05 for earthenware and cone 5-10 for stoneware.
For use on bisque, apply to cone 04 bisque, apply clear glaze if desired and re-fire earthenware to cone 06-05 and cone 5-10 for stoneware.
Generally, a clear glaze finish is applied to bring out the true colour and vividness of the product. We recommend NT-CLR One Dipping Glaze or NT-BR Clear One Brushing Glaze for low fire.
Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes have been formulated to mature at cone 06-05. However, most will maintain their colour at higher temperatures. Their performance at cone 6 is noted on each individual product label. We recommend testing on your clay body and in your kiln prior to use.